Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Science and Faith.

Last week we had two stellar events, Food Science with Asbel Reyes and Allison Beasman, and Backyard Bistro with Bobby Triplett. Both events were sold out and had great groups involved. Asbel and Allison showed us some really amazing techniques and tricks with liquid nitrogen and cold oil spheres. It is really amazing where the culture of food and cooking has gone in the last few years. Not only has the basic techniques behind great cuisine progressed, the interest in food and how it is made has expanded exponentially.

On the other end of the food spectrum Bobby Triplett. Bobby is a pastor at a new and exciting church in Brandon, he is the director of the Motion Film festival and puts on various art shows in town. His Backuard Bistro event was filled with young and old, all of whom where excited about learning some new recipes for this summer. Bobby's menu was flavorful and fun, and was a bit more approachable for the average at home cook. I have to say his Bad Ass fish tacos where pretty tasty. Panko fried red snapper with feta, cucumber, roasted garlic guacamole, and sour cream delish and easy to do at home.

It was fun to see the different crowds for the two events that were back to back. The Food Science crowd, filled with devout foodies, including local food blogger, editor and writer Jeff Houck, as well as some other local Chefs from around Tampa. Eager to explore the boundaries of cooking, flavor, texture and technique. Juxtaposed with the Backyard Bistro group, young and old lovers of simple and flavorful food, just looking for a different experience and excited about expanding their knowledge in their own kitchens. Two different groups, One simple similarity, Great Food and Great Company. Both groups avoided the conventional conversations between strangers, "the what do you dos", and "where do works", were replaced with "where do you eat" and "How does that taste". That may be one of my favorite parts about Chefs On The Loose, is the community between strangers that evolves naturally at events. People come together around the food, reaching out to someone new and eating together around our communal tables. It is an important thing these days to reach out and come together with your community. Its just neat to watch and be a part of the experience. So I say Thanks to all those who have come to a Chefs On The Loose event, and I hope to see you again around the stove and around the table. Cheers!

Check out our facebook page for more pictures, upcoming events and become a Fan of Chefs On The Loose.

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